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Booking Working Locations

This guide has been created for all system users. 

If you are unable to access anything covered in this guide, please raise this with a system administrator. 


Working locations enables a wider view of which users will be present at company sites on a given day in a calendar view. This human logistics feature helps businesses better plan the who, and where within their workforce and enables users to communicate their schedule company-wide in a clear way. 

By using working locations, users can better coordinate their time between business sites and working home. This helps to empower users to better plan their schedule to allow for collaboration, quiet productive time, self-development time and more, no matter where they are.   

Step-by-step Guide  

Please note: For working locations to appear in this section, they must first be created by the administrator. Users – if you do not see your working location within this section, please contact the system administrator. Administrators – to create a working location, please see the knowledge base article on Creating Working Locations. We also have guides on creating and booking hybrid working locations, which you might find useful.  

To submit a working location rota or a single day(s) for a user, navigate to the ‘update working location’ button shown on the front-end platform in the top right corner, located to the left of the ‘book time off’ button. This can be done from any of the system views (personal dashboard, planned absence, unplanned absence, record overtime & TOIL and group calendar), however, most users will update this from the main personal dashboard or group calendar view, depending on what administrative tasks they are in edays to complete. As an example, someone might want to look at the group calendar to see where their colleagues are that week to determine what days they will be office based. Which days will be most effective to work from home before making their booking. 

When a user is booking their own working location, their name will automatically appear in the ‘For’ section. If an administrator or authoriser is booking on behalf of a user, they can select the user affected by clicking the pencil located on the right side of the ‘For’ box. They can also type in their name to locate them within the list. Next, select the working location from the drop-down.  

From here, you will indicate if the booking is for a fixed date, or if the working location will be recurring.  

  1. To submit a fixed date working location, ensure that ‘Fixed date’ is highlighted in the working location booking screen, select the date, daypart (whole day, am, pm) and input any details about the booking. Once you have completed this, click submit to add this to your calendar.  
  2. To submit a recurring working location, ensure that ‘Recurring’ is highlighted in the working location booking screen, then first select the start date of the recurrence. After this is submitted, further details will appear. Next select the daypart (entire day, am, pm), set the reoccurrence in the dropdowns of the ‘every’ section, highlight what day of the week it repeats on and then set a date when the recurrence will end. Once details are entered, select Apply. You will be taken back to the working location booking screen, where a summary of the booking will appear. Once you are happy that the information is correct, select submit to add it to your calendar.  

To view the Working Locations calendar view, you must toggle the button with at the top of the top of your group calendar which says ‘show working locations’ as shown in the image below. Here the defaults and overrides become visible. The absence key has been updated to include working locations if the calendar is toggled to show working locations. All location records will display in the calendar (with absences taking priority), so it is possible for an override to display a tooltip when an absence covers that location. 


There is no authorisation required for these bookings currently, and no emails are sent out to any parties for you. 

Please note: a working locations submission cannot be edited once submitted. If an incorrect date or location is entered, the user, authoriser, or administrator must go in and book another working from the home instance which corrects the information on the calendar. When a new working location is submitted, it overrides the previous entry.  

Example Configuration 

Felix works for Ott & Grant at their Berlin site. He will be travelling to the Rotterdam site to support staff training every other Friday from April to the start of June.  

To update the staff calendar, the administrator clicks the ‘update working location’ button, which is located next to the book time off button in the top right section of the front-end dashboard.  


To select Felix from the staff list, the administrator would click the pencil icon on the right side in the ‘For’ box and search for Felix. If Felix is booking this, his name would automatically appear in the ‘For’ box. He would not be able to select from a list unless he has authorisation for other staff. The user will then select Rotterdam from the drop-down in the working location and in this instance select recurring as this will be a regular site for Felix every Friday starting on 1 April.  


The user inputs the start date to indicate that it is a full day in day part. The user notes the frequency of the recurrence in the ‘every’ section dropdowns, highlights which day of the week it repeats on, and then selects when this instance will end. Once the administrator has set the reoccurring working location, they will select apply, which will take the screen back to the initial working locations set up. Click submit and this will apply it to the calendar. 

The calendar below shows this working location within the group calendar, indicated with the orange box on 1 April and 29 April.  


By hovering over the tile of the date affected, others can see what location Felix is due to be at and the duration of the time at that working location.  

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