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People Insights: Setup


The People Insights option enables larger organizations to gather additional insights from their leave data through a number of pre-canned reports.

Note: People Insights is a paid-for option, contact for more information or to purchase this option.

User Setup  

Setting up a user requires administration rights for the user in question. Within the Admin panel of the edays web application, there is a section called “System”. It is in this section that the settings need to be added. To add these settings, go through the following steps:  


  1. Login to the web application as the end user’s administrator
  2. Navigate to the user administration panel of the application
  3. Navigate to the required user and edit their settings 
  4. Navigate to the “System” settings section of the user’s profile 
  5. At the bottom of this section, you will see a setting called “Premium Reports” 
  6. To enable access to a report(s) then simply add a report to this section of the user profile  
  7. By selecting the appropriate reports and saving the changes, the user will then have access to the reports the next time they log in.  

User Access 

People Insights currently replaces the manager dashboard within the web application. Once a user has been granted People Insights access (see steps above), then their view should change from something like this:

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To something like this: 

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This is the new People Insights report selection screen.

Note: In the event that a user only has access to one report pack, they will be directed straight to that report, instead of being provided with a menu. In that case, the screen will look something like this (this is one of the views for People Insights): 

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From there, the user can interact with any of the tabs (at the bottom of the report packs) or any of the visuals / filters to find the information they require.  


Core Functionality  

There are several features available within People Insights, below is an overview of each component with a brief description of how they work.


People Insights displays information in 'visuals'. These are configurable components which represent the data. It could be as simple as a number or a complete chart / graph. When the data changes or refined using a filter, for example by changing the date range, the visual reflects the change - without having to redefine the visual.  

Interactive Visuals  

Along with flexible measures, the visuals within People Insights can be interacted with to act as a filter for the rest of the dashboard. For example, if a visual with “Days off Per Month” is used and a single month is clicked on, the rest of the page will alter to show only the data for that month. 



These are calculations that People Insights performs using your edays data. The important thing to note is that they are flexible and relevant to the context they are in. This means that the same calculation for “Total Days Off” is used for a split by country, by month or for a single person. This ensures that the filters can be employed to find exactly what data you need without the need for changing the structure of the visuals. 


There are several filters on each page which can alter the view of the dashboard so that you can find the information you require. Since the metrics are all relevant to the visual and filter combination, then each visual can be used to answer a variety of questions. Filters on these pages are also linked with the other dashboards within the report pack, so your view remains consistent. Don’t worry, however, these filters don’t persist when moving between report packs or when other users see them, so there is no concern that a report will become altered/damaged through using it.  

Report Packs and Tabs  

Each of the report packs within People Insights consists of numerous reports providing different views of the same data. These can be navigated by using the tabs at the bottom of the report pack (see image below).  


Question and Answer Box  

Each page within Advanced Analytics contains a “Question and Answer” box, which can be found by clicking on a bar that looks like this:

This question-and-answer box will provide you with the ability to ask questions in plain language about data within the page, and the box will provide you with either a number or a visual relevant to the question. For example, you might have a question such as “What is the reason for the most amount of sickness in 2024?”

Well, with the Q&A box, you can find these answers quickly (see below).  

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