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Workflow Builder - Overview


The Workflow Builder is a powerful tool designed to automate and streamline various processes within your system. The Workflow Builder allows you to build alerts and customise workflows, such as welcome emails, absence alerts, entitlement alerts, timesheet submission reminders, automatic authorisation and much more. The feature is designed to allow complex, precise setups where required, e.g. where policies only apply to a small group of users.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to enable and utilise the Workflow Builder. If you'd like to review the Example Workflows for an idea on where to start, you can see those here.

Workflow Builder and Workflow Builder Pro

As a standard, you will be able to enable 5 workflows at any time - this would include any example workflows we have created for you, or workflows you have created yourself. If you would like to enable more than 5 workflows, then you will need to enable the Pro version of Workflow Builder, which allows you to enable an unlimited number of workflows for your system.


Workflow Builder Pro is a paid feature that you can upgrade to yourself by clicking on the "Upgrade to Pro" button. If you require further advice regarding the pricing for this prior to upgrading, please reach out to our Customer Success team.


Accessing the Workflow Builder and display layout

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel
  2. Click on the Global tab
  3. Select Workflow Builder


You will be able to see all the folders for your workflows on the left-hand side, while the workflows themselves will be displayed on the right-hand side.

Workflow Builder Folders

Having specific folders for workflows will help you divide the necessary workflows into specific categories. As an example, you can have location-specific folders such as UK workflows, in which there are only workflows relating to the UK. Or you can have action-specific folders such as email workflows and absence workflows to which you have added workflows related to just the specific action. 

Please note that the visibility of the folders cannot be restricted to only specific Administrators on your system - any Administrator that has access to the Workflow Builder will be able to access and amend the folders you have generated.

To create a folder, you will need to click on the "Create new folder" icon that can be found on the left-hand side - please see the screenshot below:

A screenshot of a chat

Description automatically generated


Support on the Workflow Builder

If you require any assistance on the Workflow Builder or encounter any errors, please reach out to edays Support by logging a ticket through our Support Portal.


Related guides

Building a new workflow | Functionalities

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