Welcome to the edays mobile app quick start guide. This guide will provide you with all the information you will need to get up and running.
Note: There is a separate guide which covers the additional information needed if you are a manager. The manager's guide can be found here.
- Download
- First time login
- Home
- Requesting leave
- Booking sickness
- Review personal entitlement
- Calendar
- Notifications
- Settings
You can download the edays app by clicking the below links:
First time login | |
Logging in | |
![]() | To log in, you will need your edays log in information, which consists of a username and password as well as the edays url, which you can find by logging into your edays on a computer and looking at the URL bar at the top of the screen.
Your URL will consist of https://uniquecompanyurl.e-days.com The section of text highlighted here in green will be different, and unique to your business. Take note of what this section is between https:// and .e-days.com. You will need to enter that information into the edays app. Please note: Your domain may end in .co.uk instead of .com but will still work |
![]() | Once you have entered your unique url, you will then be prompted to log in. This username and password is the same for the web based login you are currently using. If you have forgotten your username and password, you can click ‘Forgotten my password?’ under the login button where you can enter the email address your edays account is linked to and a password reset link will be emailed to you. Please note: changing your password will require you to sign into any other locations where you are logged in again. As an example, if you use edays on your work computer and you reset the password to access it on the app, you will need to log in again on your work computer with the new password you have set. |
Onboarding | |
When you enter the edays app for the first time, a prompt will appear with short videos indicating how to use the core functionality of the app. | |
Home | |
Employee View | |
When logging into the app you will always be directed to the home page.
The Home button on the navigation bar will take you to your overview of leave and can be accessed from any other screen.
Upon accessing the edays app, you will initially be presented with a dashboard of information that is specific to you.
This section shows your next leave date and the total holiday (entitlement) days available to book. Scrolling sideways in this section will also show you an overview any information related to time tracking, sickness, overtime, TOIL or any additional entitlement you have been awarded. | |
Manager view - overview | |
![]() | If you are a user who has managerial permissions within edays and are the authoriser of staff, you will automatically have the managerial version of the edays app.
The home page view is slightly different in that it lists an alternative ‘Managerial’ tab at the top and includes a search bar in the top right hand corner. You will still be able to see your own entitlement separate to that of your staff on the personal tab. This tab also functions the same as the user view detailed above.
To access information about the entitlement, sickness and other time tracking information for your staff, click the managerial tab.
When the Managerial page is opened, you will see staff who you are authorised to approve leave requests for on the edays system and a text indicator will tell you if they’re currently scheduled to work or on leave.
At the bottom of the screen you can toggle between seeing an overview of their entitlement or sickness (including viewing their Bradford Factor score). |
Manager view – viewing staff | |
When you click on a member of staff you are taken to a page, similar to your own user page that indicates the total entitlement, sickness and other time tracking. From here you can also book leave on behalf of staff by clicking the ‘Book on behalf of +’ button located at the bottom of the page. Tabbing from entitlement to records enables you to see their leave in calendar or list view. | |
Manager view – user search | |
You can also search employee records by clicking on the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the home screen and typing in the member of staff’s name. | |
Requesting leave | |
![]() | You can request leave from two locations. The first is by clicking the blue rectangle ‘Request +’ button located under the overview on the homepage. The second is by clicking the circular, blue ‘+’ button in the middle of the navigation bar at the bottom of this screen. A prompt will appear, select request leave to proceed.
On the next screen, you will select the reason for your absence. What appears in this section will be dependent on the presets within your business as well as any permissions assigned to you. Making your selection will highlight in the button in blue. To proceed, select the next button which appears at the bottom of the screen to proceed. Please note that the next button must be highlighted blue in order to proceed. If a type of leave has not been selected, next will remain grey. |
![]() | In the next section, you will select what date the absence will start and what day it will end. As an example, in the instance shown, the absence is booked from September 5 – 8, which indicates these are the days you will not be in work. In this instance, you will return to work on Friday the 9th.
Once selected, a brief description of the leave will appear at the bottom of the screen next to the blue rectangular ‘next’ button. As with the previous page, the next button will remain grey until a selection is made. The description here will show information including the dates the absence is from and to as well as the number of days entitlement that will be reduced from your total entitlement. To proceed, select the next button to proceed. |
Finally, a brief of your overall absence will appear. If any errors have been made in the previous steps, you can amend them here by selecting the > in the relevant row on the right side of the screen. In some instances, you may need to book a half day holiday during a longer period of holiday. Using the example of the holiday booked from September 5 – 8, if you were to need to request a PM holiday on the 5th only, with the remaining 3 days (6th – 8th) as full days, you can toggle the ‘separate leave dates’ line switch located on the right side of the text to indicate where you will need half days and where you will need a full day. In this instance, a new screen will appear for you to specify what days should be half and which should be full. Within this screen you can also add in any details about the leave that may be required by your business. Once the leave has been submitted the below screen will appear to indicate your leave has been successfully submitted. | |
Booking sickness | |
![]() | Similar to booking annual leave, booking sickness can be done by clicking the rectangular blue button in the middle of the home screen or the blue circular + button located in the centre of the navigation bar at the bottom of the home screen. Please note: If you cannot see sickness as a reason to request leave, this will be due to permissions within your business.
First select sickness and select the blue next button at the bottom of the screen. Please note the next button will appear grey until you make a selection for leave type.
Next select the date(s) affected. A brief of the leave will appear at the bottom of the screen. Similarly, to the previous screen, the next button will remain grey until you make a selection. |
![]() | A screen will appear with an overview of the leave. navigate towards the bottom of the description where it says ‘Leave Reason’. Click into this and specify the reason for sickness.
As with similar pages the update button will remain grey until you have made a selection.
Once you have made a selection, it will input into the leave reason line of the overview of leave. You can add any further information which may be required by your business in the ‘details’ box and once you are happy the content is correct, you can select submit to submit your leave.
Once the leave has successfully been submitted a screen will appear to indicate that the leave request has been recorded successfully. |
Review personal entitlement | |
To access more information about your entitlement or records click ‘view more’ to the right of ‘Your overview’ which is located at the top of the home page. Upon selecting view more you will be presented with a screen with the entitlement tab selected. Here you can review entitlement you have booked, leave that is pending, and what is available. This screen will also show you what dates your holiday year runs on (this is located immediately under the entitlement and records tabs). Scrolling down will also let you view your overtime or TOIL records as well as showing if you have any additional entitlement such as me days or long service award days. Clicking the records tab at the top of this page will take you to your personal calendar view. Details on the functionality of the calendar view can be found within the calendar section of this guide. | |
Calendar | |
![]() | The calendar button on the navigation bar located at the bottom of the screen will take you to a calendar view of leave. This can be viewed in a few different formats by using the filter at the bottom of the screen.
All – shows the leave of you and any of your colleagues who’s leave you have permission to see.
Personal – shows only your absence and leave with approved leave being highlighted in green.
Team – shows leave of you and any of your immediate colleagues assigned to the same team that you have permission to see.
A key for each page is indicated at the top right hand corner of the page. Leave here is shown in a heat map format. The darker the circle, the more staff that are off on that given date. You can view the calendar in a traditional calendar view or can view it in a list view by selecting the icons to the right of the drop-down month box at the top of the page. |
![]() | Interacting with one of the days in the calendar will take you through to a screen to view more detail about that day. You will be able to toggle between a list of who’s on leave and who’s working dependent on the filter you have selected. |
Notifications | |
![]() | The notifications button on the navigation bar will take you to a list of any notifications you have been sent from the edays system. This can include whether leave has been approved or declined.
If you are a manager you will also have an area for requests where you can easily view, decline or see more detail of the request.
To view more detail simply interact with the ‘view’ button where you will be taken to an event page which shows you all the detail from the original request, the users remaining leave, and a view of who else is one leave during the same period. |
Settings | |
| The settings button on the navigation bar located at the bottom of the screen will take you to a section where you can view your details, amend your profile image, specify your notification settings, specify your language settings, access help and log out.
ProfileBy clicking your name you will be taken to a page that details your name, job role and includes a profile image which you can change.
NotificationsThe notifications can be disabled and enabled so that you receive a notification when leave has been submitted and approved. The slider being to the right and highlighted blue indicates that the notification setting is set to on.
Language settingsThe language settings can be changed by clicking the > to the right of the current language selected. Please note the languages you can select are limited. |
Logging out | |
By pressing the blue, rectangular log out button located at the bottom of the screen you will be logged out of the mobile app. | |