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System Hierarchy - Global, Template and User Levels

This guide has been created for system administrators.


Edays provides a basic hierarchical structure when configuring many of the features and functions of the software. This hierarchy allows for settings to be applied to all users (Global level), a subset of users (Template level) or individually (User level) with the applied settings for each level overriding the previous respectively. 

When navigating the admin panel, you will see that settings are colour coded based on which hierarchical level they are being generated from - Global level is green, Template level is purple, and User level is orange. A marker is present to the left of the setting, displaying the respective colour for the hierarchical level.

Global Level

Template Level

User Level

System hierarchy is present in most settings for common features of Edays, such as carry over configuration, absence type setup, absence permissions, entitlement setup and user views.

Let's have a look at an example.

The screenshot below displays the absence permissions for an absence type, displayed in a user level profile. By accessing the absence permissions at the user level, you can see which permissions are inheriting and from which hierarchical level they are inheriting from, based on the colour markers to the left.

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Admin basics

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