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Amending an Existing Rota Pattern

This guide has been created for system administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including: Global rota setup.


The rota pattern is at the core for edays and how it calculates the user's working period, furthermore, if configured in hours it tells the system the duration. But occasionally these patterns need to be updated, typically if a user's working pattern has changed OR if it does not match the Hours Per Day – see Calculation Process for Working Periods for reference. 

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Navigate to Admin Panel -> Global -> Rota setup
  2. Search for the rota pattern you need to update.
  3. Click the "Edit" button on the same line.
  4. Amend the days, or if it is an hours-based rota pattern, then the Start/End time and/or Duration as required.
  5. Click on "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Please note, if you are amending a pattern that is already applied to users, you will need to ensure that the amended rota pattern is reapplied to the users in question. 

To locate all users linked to a specific rota, please refer to the "System Information" report and include the field of "Rota patterns" - this will display all the rota patterns that users have and will help you in determining who needs to have their rota pattern refreshed.

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