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User Import/Export - Exporting data

This guide has been created for system administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including: Users.

This guide provides steps for exporting data via the Import/Export Tool.


The User Import/Export Tool allows you to bulk update user information and settings by exporting a CSV file that you can edit and import back into edays. This allows you to avoid the lengthy process of editing individual user profiles, changing and saving multiple details, one user at a time. The User Import/Export Tool can also be used solely for exporting data, filtered to specific sets of users where required.

If you would like to see our guide to importing data via the Import/Export Tool, please click here.

Step-by-step guide:

  • Navigate to Admin tools > Admin panel.
  • Go to Users > User Import / Export.

Configuration - set which data fields are going to be exported, and how.

  • User identifier data: This is what e-days uses to identify which users it should be updating when the data is import back into the system. It will appear in the left most column in the export sheet and should not be edited.
  • You can then Select Personal, System, or Organisation fields to include: this will determine what fields will be exported into the spreadsheet for you to edit. You can choose as many fields as you like, and they'll appear as columns in your spreadsheet.
  • Field delimiter: You can decide what will separate multiple values in the export. For example, if you have users assigned to multiple teams, these will be separated by the value you decide for this setting. This can be important if you've got syntax in the names of teams.
  • Add apostrophe to leading zeroes: If you have Telephone, Payroll, Employee, or any other numbers that begin with a zero, you'll want to check this option. This ensures excel will recognise these zeroes when they're exported.

Export existing user data - select the users to be included in the export. 

  • Specify groups allows you to include users that fall under a certain Country, Location, Team, or any other Group type.
  • Specify user templates can be used to include all users from the specified template in this export.
  • Include reportees and leavers gives you two boxes you can check to ensure your own reportees are included, and any leavers that fall under the view are included.
  • You're then able to specify individuals; you can start typing a user's name to search for them, then click add, and they'll be included in the list for this export. You can add any number of individual users.
  • Finally, you can view a list of users who you've included in this export, and, if you'd like, you can click Remove to exclude any specific individuals from the export.

Once you have made the required selections, click the Export button to download the data as a CSV file.

If you would like to edit the CSV file and import the data into edays, please click here to see our guide.

If you would like to enlarge the video, please click on it to expand.

Related Guides:

User Import/Export - Importing data

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