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Bulk User Update - Groups

This guide has been created for system administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including: Bulk User Update | Users.


The Bulk User Update Tool allows you to make changes, collectively, for subsets of users. Users can be included by template, group, or individually. 

This guide provides steps for managing the groups users are assigned to, in bulk, using the Bulk User Update Tool.

  • Navigate to Admin tools > Admin panel.
  • Go to Users > Bulk user update.

What would you like to update? 

Step-by-step guide:

  • Set the 'category of data to update' to 'Group'.
  • Select the type of change to apply: Add users to a group, Swap users from one group to another, or Remove users from a group.
  • Select the group type (i.e. category of group).
  • Select the specific group name that you wish to apply the add, remove or swap request to.

n.b. users cannot not be assigned to further groups where the group type does not allow multiple selection and where they already have a group assigned. Please click here to see our guide to editing the settings for a group type.

Who would you like to update? 

This section provides the filtering of which users you would like to update.

  • Specify groups allows you to include users that fall under a certain Country, Location, Team, or any other Group type.
  • Specify user templates can be used to include all users from the specified template in this update.
  • Include reportees and leavers gives you two boxes you can check to ensure your own reportees are included, and any leavers that fall under the view are included.
  • You're then able to specify individuals; you can start typing a user's name to search for them, then click add, and they'll be included in the list for this update. You can add any number of individual users.
  • Finally, you can view a list of users who you've included in this update, and, if you'd like, you can click Remove to exclude any specific individuals from the update.

Once you have made the required selections, click the Update Users button.

Related Guides:

Bulk User Update - User views | Bulk User Update - User template | Bulk User Update - Authoriser | Bulk User Update - Password resetBulk User Update - Absence booking

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