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Roles - Assign or alter the roles applied to a user

This guide has been created for system administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including: Users.


Edays provides access to many functions and features, and the ability to see these functions and features is determined by the roles applied to a given user. Each user within Edays should be assigned to one or more roles, with each role consisting of associated role permissions. A role, or roles, are applied whilst creating a new user.

This guide provides steps for a system admin to assign or alter the roles applied to an existing user.

Step by step guide:

  1. Navigate to: Admin tools > Users. 
  2. Search for the user you wish to affect and click the edit button against their name.
  3. In the user detail screen, select the 'Roles' tab.
  4. Applied roles are displayed in blue. If required, remove an applied role by clicking the 'x' to the right of the role name.
  5. Add a new role by clicking the 'Roles' input box and selecting the required option. n.b You can apply multiple roles to a user if required.
  6. Click the Save Record button at the foot of the page.

Please note: If you would prefer for users to inherit their role(s) from the template level, please adjust Roles from 'Custom' to 'Inherit Template Roles'. If you would like to see our guide to assigning roles at the template level, please click here.

Related Guides:

Roles - Assign or alter the roles applied to a template | Roles - Role permissions overview

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