This guide has been created for system administrators.
Specific role permissions may be required, including: Role Setup.
Edays provides access to many functions and features, and the ability to see these functions and features is determined by the roles applied to a given user. Each user within Edays should be assigned to one or more roles, with each role consisting of associated role permissions.
Role permissions are grouped into four main roles types: Administrator, Authoriser, User and HR.
Commonly, your system will initially be configured with the 'Standard Administrator', 'Standard Authoriser', 'Standard User', and 'Recycle Bin' roles.
This guide provides steps for a system admin to be able to create additional roles.
Step by step guide:
- Navigate to Admin tools > Admin panel > Global > Role set up.
- Press the +Add new button at the top of the page.
- Enter the name for the new role.
- Tick the permissions that should be assigned to the new role.
- Press the orange Save button at the bottom of the page.
If you would like to enlarge the video, please click on it to expand.
If you would like to apply a newly created role to a user please click here to view our guide.
Related Guides:
Roles - Role permissions overview | Roles - Updating a Role | Roles - Deleting a role | Roles - Assign or alter the roles applied to a user