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Absences - Linking absences

This guide has been created for system administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including: Absence setup | Holiday Records | Sickness Records


This guide will walk you through the steps needed to link absences. Linking absences generally applies to unplanned absences, where you might wish to merge two instances of unplanned absence into a single occurrence for Bradford Factor calculations.

Absence type settings:

In order to enable linking absences, you will need to go to any applicable absence type and amend the setting to allow for you to link absences.

  • Navigate to Admin panel -> Global -> Absence type setup
  • Search for the absence type in question and click on "Edit"
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and open up the "Additional Settings"
  • Tick the "Can be linked"
  • Save the settings

This setting will need to be ticked for any absence type that you wish to be able to link.

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Absence record:

Once you have ensured that the absence type records can be linked together, you will be able to go into the specific record and link the absences. 

  • Navigate to Admin panel -> Records -> Absence records
  • Search for the user in question and locate the first absence
  • Scroll down to the "Linked absences" section 
  • Put in the first day of the second absence
  • Click on "Link" on the record displayed
  • Save the record

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