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Additional Email Notification - User level

This guide has been created for system administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including: Users.


Additional Email Notifications help send an additional alert for the email(s) specified on selected records and record statuses. This guide will go through the steps required to set up the Additonal Email Notification on a user level. A user level additional email alert will generate notifications for the selected user, delivered to the specified email address. The email received will be an exact copy of the email that is normally sent to users and authorisers.

If you want to configure this on a global level, for all users, please check out this guide.

If you want to configure this on a template level, for all users on a template, please check this guide.


  • Navigate to Admin panel -> Users -> Users
  • Search for the user in question and click on "Edit"
  • Press the "System" tab.
  • Scroll down to the "Additional email notifications" section, then press the "+ Add new" button.
  • Select the "Notification Type" that you wish to create the new email alert for.
    • Authorisable record - a notification related to records subject to authorisation e.g. absence requests
    • Password change - a notification related to password changes
    • Details change - a notification related to changes to details on a User Record
  • Complete the required fields.
  • Press the "Save" button.

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