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Converting Part-Time Users to Full-Time: Key Areas and Steps

This guide has been created for System Administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including Users


In this guide, we will go through the focus points when it comes to amending a part-time user to a full-time user on the edays system. This guide will mostly be applicable when your employees have their employment terms changed during the year, rather than from your holiday year start date. This guide will be split into multiple sections and will include relevant guides to check for specific steps.

Key areas summarised

  • FTE change 
  • Hours per day change
  • Rota patterns
  • Absence type settings
  • Public holiday groups
  • Entitlement settings

1. FTE change

Part-time users in the edays system typically have an FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) of less than 1. For instance, if an individual works half the hours of a full-time employee, their FTE is recorded as 0.5. Since you are changing the user's status from part-time to full-time, you will need to update their FTE to 1.

Below are two guides related to FTE: the first provides an overview of FTE and explains how edays calculates entitlement based on this setting, while the second guide outlines the steps required to update a user's FTE.

FTE - Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Overview

FTE - Changing a user's Full Time Equivalent (FTE) level

2. Hours per day change

At times, when an employee transitions to full-time, the duration of their working day may also change. For example, they may have previously worked an average of 6 hours per day but will now be working 8 hours per day. If this applies to the user you are updating, we recommend referring to the guide below on how to adjust the user's "Hours per day" on the edays system.

Changing the Hours Per Day - User level

Please be aware that updating a user's "Hours per day" takes effect immediately and may impact any records they booked before their employment terms were adjusted. At present, it is not possible to set an effective date for changes to "Hours per day". 

3. Rota patterns

The rota pattern change is one of the most important points to focus on when it comes to changing the user from part-time to full-time, especially when the change is made half-way through the calendar year.

In these instances, it is important to focus on the current rota pattern configuration as well as how the new pattern would be configured. 

The relevant guides have been listed below:

Rota Setup - Adding a new hours rota pattern 

Rota Setup - Adding a new days rota pattern

Amending an Existing Rota Pattern

Changing/Assigning Rota on a User Level

Example 1: Part-time user currently has a days-based rota pattern, but just working less days than a full-time user. Hours per day will be changing from 6 hours to 8 hours.

Since changes to "Hours per day" take effect immediately, it’s important to understand that any absences recorded prior to the rota pattern change will also be impacted. In such cases, we recommend either adjusting the current rota pattern to reflect hours or creating a new hours-based rota pattern for the user’s current part-time schedule.

This hours-based rota pattern should reflect the user’s exact working hours and days. For example, if they currently work Monday to Wednesday from 9am to 3pm, the rota pattern should be configured accordingly.

Once this has been amended or created, apply it to the user, ensuring the start date of the rota pattern corresponds with the beginning of their part-time working arrangement.

You will then need to create or apply the full-time rota pattern to the user. If you do not already have a standard full-time rota pattern set up in your system, we recommend creating one using the days-based rota pattern guide available in the relevant guides mentioned above. The start date should be aligned with the effective date of the new employment terms.

Example 2: Part-time user currently has an hours-based rota pattern, with each day having different working duration. User currently books their absences in "Hours".

In this instance, as you will have already configured an hours-based pattern for the user, you will just need to apply the full-time rota pattern to the user in question, ensuring the start date aligns with the effective date of the new employment terms. 

4. Absence type settings

In line with the effective dates of the rota pattern, it is also crucial to ensure that any absences logged before the change in employment terms are still accurately reflected.

In most cases, we recommend having two "Holiday" absence types set up at a global level—one configured to be booked in days and the other in hours. For example, "Holiday (Days)" and "Holiday (Hours)". This approach helps manage the transition from part-time to full-time hours while ensuring that the records are deducted correctly.

The relevant guides have been listed below:

Absence Setup - Adding a new absence type

Changing the absence type time unit - User level

Absences - Updating an absence record

If you choose to create a new absence type, such as "Holiday (Hours)", you will need to adjust the record type for the user's absences prior to their new full-time employment to "Holiday (Hours)". This ensures the system only deducts the specific hours for those days, preventing significant impact from the "Hours per day" change.

If you prefer to amend the current absence type's "Time unit", you will need to resave each absence record logged for the new full-time employment period.

5. Public holiday groups

Occasionally, part-time users may be added to a public holiday group that deducts from their entitlement. In such cases, there are two options for amending the public holiday group, depending on whether the user was allocated a specific number of days at the start of the year for public holidays, or if no additional entitlement was given, and the system simply deducted the public holiday dates throughout the year.

Option 1 – Additional entitlement provided for public holidays:

If the user was allocated a specific number of days for public holidays, which the system uses for deductions, you will need to make a manual adjustment to remove the days given.

For instance, if the system allocated 7 days of entitlement for public holidays, you would need to deduct all 7 days.

Alternatively, if your system has a public holiday entitlement element configured, then you can also disable this element, which should remove the entitlement accordingly.

Option 2 – No additional entitlement provided for public holidays:

If the user was not given any additional entitlement for public holidays, you would need to calculate the number of public holiday days during the full-time period and return those days.

For example, if the system deducted 7 days for public holidays, with 5 of those being during their part-time period, you would need to return 2 days.

6. Entitlement settings

If you are wishing for the users' entitlement to be displayed in "Days" going forward, then you will need to amend the entitlement time unit to be in "Days" rather than "Hours". 

Please see the steps below for this:

  • Navigate to Admin panel -> Users -> Users
  • Search for the user in question and click on "Edit"
  • Click on the "Entitlements" tab
  • Click on "Edit" for the entitlement pot in question
  • Amend the "Time unit" to "Days" 
  • Save the settings.

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